Archive for the ‘javascript’ Category

One of the most impressive features in Google’s open source Chrome web browser is V8, a high-performance JavaScript virtual machine that was developed by a team of specialists in Denmark. Although Chrome’s performance beats the current stable version of Firefox, benchmarks show that Mozilla’s next-generation JavaScript engine actually outperforms V8. Mozilla is using tracing optimization […]

Have you ever used remember the password option in you browser and later forget that password. If you want to see what the password you typed there is small trick that can be used. Simply type this JavaScript in the address bar of your browser. Copy – Paste Following code (in browser’s address bar) javascript:(function(){var […]

Recently i tried to use a swfupload pluggin, using php. I couldnt meke it work in Firefox 3. But in all other browsers worked like a charm. I couldnt stand the idea that this was the only time that firefox was the sticky browser. So I decided to test it in another computer with firefox […]

This is the right way to use swfobject and jquery framework. To avoid the known issues  between these two. <script type=“text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function(){ var so = new SWFObject(“movie.swf”, “mymovie”, “400”, “100%”, “8”, “#336699”); so.addParam(“quality”, “low”); so.addParam(“wmode”, “transparent”); so.addParam(“salign”, “t”); so.write(“flashcontent”); }); </script>

This a solution i used in many autocomplete input fields. I have implemented it to php and C# web application. Dont be scared to use it, its really simple to use. The tutorial is fully explanatory.

Some of the most common javascript commands that i quickly managed to collect. This list is going to grow quickly. Stay tuned!!!

Retain scroll position after browser refresh As Joel Spolsky points out, updating web pages by getting just the bits of information that have changed instead of refreshing the whole page is the wave of the future. Whether we’re calling web services within a client-side page or using a gmail-like JavaScript technique (darn cool), it’s going […]

In a web application where the users are real dum the ussualy double click in buttons so the filled forms are submitting more than 1 time. Here is the script to prevent that.

Add this script <script type=”text/javascript”> /* Form field Limiter script- By Dynamic Drive For full source code and more DHTML scripts, visit This credit MUST stay intact for use */ var ns6=document.getElementById&&!document.all function restrictinput(maxlength,e,placeholder){ if (window.event&&event.srcElement.value.length>=maxlength) return false else if (>=maxlength){ var pressedkey=/[a-zA-Z0-9\.\,\/]/ //detect alphanumeric keys if (pressedkey.test(String.fromCharCode(e.which))) e.stopPropagation() } } function countlimit(maxlength,e,placeholder){ var […]