Archive for the ‘tweaks’ Category

Here is a list of tips to change the style you logon to your OS.

Have you ever used remember the password option in you browser and later forget that password. If you want to see what the password you typed there is small trick that can be used. Simply type this JavaScript in the address bar of your browser. Copy – Paste Following code (in browser’s address bar) javascript:(function(){var […]

This is the right way to use swfobject and jquery framework. To avoid the known issues  between these two. <script type=“text/javascript”> $(document).ready(function(){ var so = new SWFObject(“movie.swf”, “mymovie”, “400”, “100%”, “8”, “#336699”); so.addParam(“quality”, “low”); so.addParam(“wmode”, “transparent”); so.addParam(“salign”, “t”); so.write(“flashcontent”); }); </script>

I recently found a tip to minimize Vista Booting Time. When Vista boots up it uses only one core of your CPU. If you have a multicore CPU based system you can do a quick modification. Click Start -> type “msconfig” This screen will appear. Select the 2nd tab (boot). The click Advanced options Add […]

First of all i d like to remind that In most new pc configurations Vista cant be installed in 4gb systems. You have to uninstal 2gb and then when Windows setup is complete you can use the other 2gb. How to Enable More Than 3.5 GB of Memory in 32-Bit Windows Vista You’re probably wondering […]

I ve been using Vista for some time now. I run into  several weird problems. Finally I got everything fixed. Here is a list of some. Hoping i ll be able to save someones hours of searching. 1. Vista cant work well with network printers And I mean it. If you are setting a new […]

In a web application where the users are real dum the ussualy double click in buttons so the filled forms are submitting more than 1 time. Here is the script to prevent that.

That a hard choice. I Also run into some new engines but in their speeds test i realised that none was as fast as the mentioned, wide spread, innoDb or myIsam. In general MyISAM offers speed whereas Innodb offers reliability. Lets look at both engines in depth.

These are the 2 most common used programs for Dual++ Display lovers. 1. Display Fusion It offers a free and a comercial use version. Managing Wallpapers, timers, and most importantly different wallpaper for each display monitor. Special extras with hot keys. Can automatically load pictures from flickr. and secondly, my favorite 2. UltraMon Manage wallpapers, […]

This a fix for a JavaScript-based PNG fix for Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6 on Windows. The fix allows IE to properly render PNG alpha transparency. Why only versions 5.5 & 6? Because Windows IE versions prior to 5.5 do not support the filter which fixes the PNG problem, and version 7 does not have […]